
The Winesider è aperta a ricercare/valutare nuove iniziative di partnership commerciale per raggiungere nuovi clienti e permettere loro di beneficiare dei propri servizi esclusivi:

  • Vasto assortimento Vini (1.300 articoli disponibili a stock)
  • Fornitura in Conto Vendita
  • Software Gestione Cantina e Carta Vini Digitale
  • Reintegri Automatici
  • Statistiche Consumi ed analisi Marginalità
  • QR code e Sito Internet
  • Consulting and Training

The partners:

Ristorazione e vino sono da sempre in un rapporto di forte interconnessione, ricoprendo entrambe un ruolo di primo piano nella filiera agroalimentare. L’una ha bisogno dell’altra. In quest’ottica è nata la partnership tra Fipe-Confcommercio, Federazione Italiana Pubblici Esercizi, e The Winesider per promuovere presso gli esercenti consociati la gestione digitale della cantina e l’approvvigionamento del vino in conto vendita.

To meet the new challenges of the wine market, now more aggressive on a global scale, WineTech is focusing on innovation and market digitisation.  

The technological solutions developed by the start-ups offer new ways of discovering, choosing, storing, consuming or buying wine... And they offer real growth opportunities for the sector.

Relying on artificial intelligence, image recognition, recommendation algorithms, collaborative consumption, blockchain, marketplaces or wine tourism, La WineTech start-ups are redefining the contours of the wine sector and ensuring its digital transformation.

Since 2004 Laurenzi Consulting has been offering consultancy services to bring f&b projects in the restaurant, hospitality and retail sectors to life from all points of view: product, architecture, brand identity and web marketing.

This is how they create sustainable and long-lasting businesses.

Forbes Italia and with the support of The Winesider, with So Wine So Food, in collaboration with the exceptional brand ambassador Martino De Rosa, have published the new Guide 100 Italian excellences 2022 with all the best of Made in Italy from the top tables of the Belpaese to the best Italian wine brands, passing through the producers of Italian food excellence, the right addresses of hospitality and the top from the world of drinks and spirits.

Contact Us

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+39 34 576 7087